National Shred Day - what can I bring on the day?
On Saturday 2 October 2021 our Information Destruction members will be based at Morrison's carparks across the United Kingdom from 9.00am to safely recycle your personal information for a nominal donation.
On the day you will be able to bring the following items along, which our members professional recyling equipment will be able to destroy safetly and securely.
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Box files and contents

Lever arch and contents

Documents including clips
General folders
Notebooks and diaries
Legal documents

Bank statements

Stapled documents
How does secure destruction of information work?
The BSIA Information Destruction (ID) Section consists of companies that securely destroy a range of confidential information, including paper, DVDs and computer hard-drives.
The section also destroys items that could potentially cause problems if they fall into the wrong hands, such as branded products and uniforms.
The section highlights the importance of information destruction for businesses and the benefits of using a quality supplier.
With identity fraud rising, sensitive information and data needs to be destroyed properly otherwise confidential details can be put at risk.
The ID section’s work is particularly relevant to the Data Protection Act. Every Data Controller using an information destruction company is required to choose a supplier which provides sufficient guarantees of security measures, including destruction being carried out under contract and evidenced in writing.
All BSIA Information Destruction companies offer this quality guarantee.
Section members work to a European Standard for the secure destruction of confidential material (EN 15713) as part of their ISO 9001:2008 inspection.