Our latest guidance 

The BSIA produces a vast array of guidance for the industry and the end user, developed by the Association and its members.

These cover many key areas of security, from best practice and user guides in video surveillance, cybersecurity, access control, lone worker solutions, facial recognition and property marking. These guides are exlusive to our members unless otherwise stated.

Take a look at our latest releases - you can also browse them by section (e.g. video surveillance, access control).

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Environment and Sustainability Framework - access and asset protection

The purpose of the sustainability framework is to guide the integration of environmentally friendly practices into access control solutions, making them more energy-efficient and resource-conscious. 

Secure your future - A guide for service leavers to careers in the security industry
The private security industry has emerged as an essential service both to the business world and the wider public, and so there has never been a better time to consider a career in security.

BS EN 15713:2023 - A Complete Guide
In today’s fast-paced business world, data and information is key to the success of most organisations. As such, it is essential for businesses of all sizes to protect their confidential data, including customer details, employee records and finance and accounting information.

A guide to integrated security management systems

This guide aims to assist consultants, integrators, and security managers in defining an integrated security system. It will assist navigation through some of these issues and explain the benefits and opportunities of implementing a truly integrated system to meet the needs of the organisation.

Security Suppliers PSTI Act Compliance Guide
This document is designed to support businesses in the supply chain, which would include manufacturers, importers and distributors, in dealing with the specifics of PSTI outlined in the scope of this document. 

Alarm Receiving Centres  
ARC Considerations when utilising data centre or cloud services - This document outlines the ARC considerations when choosing to use the services of a data centre or cloud services. This should assist in deciding how much of the ARC should/could be safely and securely hosted (or partially hosted) in a cloud environment. 

Video Surveillance

Introduction to video content analysis - an industry guide: buying a video content analysis (VCA) system is slightly different from buying any other piece of technology and the emerging nature of VCA has only become a reality in the last three to five years.

Our new guide focuses on the benefits of VCA, the key technology challenges, how the analysis works, AI, ethical standards and many more key areas on getting the most out of this product.

Video Surveillance

CCTV Privacy Masking - a guide: VSS privacy masking is an essential technique for protecting the privacy rights of individuals and complying with privacy regulations. It involves the selective blurring or obscuring of some regions of the video feed to prevent the identification of individuals or the disclosure of sensitive information.

While privacy masking has some limitations, it is an effective tool for safeguarding privacy in various settings.

Security Systems

Preparing to switch to an IP telephony service - abbreviations & acronyms: as the UK embarks from analogue to digital in IP, the transition itself is causing some confusion due to terminology and messaging.  It is therefore important that terminology used by the whole supply chain is used.

This  is a great acronym-busting guide aimed at anyone working within security installation and working on and around the digitalisation of the telephony network.

Security Systems

Mitigating risk protecting your customers - a call to installers: as part of our All-IP campaign, we have produced a handy guide on how to mitigate risk, reminding the industry to act now to embark upon a transition to equipment and solutions that meet the needs of the All-IP transition and to take positive action before it is too late.

This is a guide designed for members involved in the process of ensuring that that all UK analogue lines are successfully transitioned between now and the end of 2025.

Lone Worker

Guidance note for the production of the Lone Worker device/appplication technical file: these guidance notes are to aid in compiling a technical file to ensure that a lone worker device and/or application meets the relevant requirements listed in BS 8484 Section 5.

This is a great guide for anyone responsible for developing lone worker devices.

Alarm Receiving Centres

ARC considerations when utilising a data centre or cloud services:  the storage, sharing and security of data is vitally important and its is becoming more commonplace to use the latest technology to provide ARC services, and as such locate ARC equipment outside of the ARC shell. This new guidance will assist ARC operators when utilising the services of a datacentre to house ARC equipment.

This a great guide to use for ARCs choosing to use the services of a data centre or cloud services. This should assist in deciding how much of the ARC should/could be safely and securely be hosted (or partially hosted) in a cloud environment.

Asset Property Marking

Manufacture, application & data recording of asset marking systems code of practice: this code of practice has been prepared in consultation with companies supplying product marking and/or asset database services to safeguard the interests of consumers in the United Kingdom regarding the services provided by those companies.

The principal aim of the code is to set out clearly for companies a best practice document to promote and maintain a high standard of products.


Organisations and standards bodies relevant to the BSIA: the BSIA has links with many organisations in the UK, Europe and worldwide to raise the profile of BSIA members through the lobbying for, and raising of, standards. It is important that the BSIA, through its members and/or its executive, ensures thorough engagement with organisations, committees and working groups, and promotes industry issues and values.


BSIA elected committee members: a guide to duties and responsiblities: this guide lays out how we manage the various sections of membership. This includes how decisions are made, how rules are created, amended and changed, and how committees are constituted. Each section has members that are elected onto its section committee, and from that committee, we appoint a chair (and where possible a vice chair) for an agreed period of time. 

If you're a BSIA member looking to get more involved this is a handy guide on how you can put yourself forward to take part in our sections and committees.


BSIA - capability statement: this handy document brings together all our sections and how they work:tThe security industry is extremely diverse in its skills, products, and services and the BSIA is organised into sections to represent this diversity and focus member activity on innovation and development of standards.

This is a handy guide to introduce both existing, new and potential members to the varied sections and their activities at the Association