Magenta Security support 1,200 meals for children
Magenta Security has stepped up to provide 1,200 meals for children across Birmingham in the wake of the challenges faced by many during the half term holiday.
Working with local organisations, Magenta will provide the 1,200 meals to those children most in need of ongoing support and at risk of hunger this week.
“Children should not be punished for situations beyond their control,” comments Abbey Petkar, managing director of Magenta Security Services. “I am not interested in the politics or the debate, just the need to help those who are vulnerable and facing challenges. Children have always been at the forefront of Magenta’s community and charity efforts and I am delighted to be in a position to provide immediate support through this initiative, whilst being on standby to help further in the future if necessary.”
The provision of the meals during half term represents further support for children by Magenta Security who already sponsor 25 children around the world, from war-torn and deprived locations, from the age of four to 16. Throughout the whole of those young and foive 12 years of their life, Magenta provides full funding for the child’s education, health and welfare needs. Effectively this mean Magenta has supported 300 years of childhood education and welfare.
Magenta are also…
• Assisting a charity that provides community clubs in Great Britain to combat knife crime and get children and teenagers off the streets.
• Supporting schools in India and Africa by giving funding for teachers and materials for lessons.
• Helping the community by sponsoring local sports teams and working with the Metropolitan Police to support health and safety, knife crime and bullying initiatives.
• Providing funding for a school for blind children in India.