Component supply chain: BSIA statement
The BSIA component supply chain special interest group, in conjunction with the FIA, has continued to develop its relationships with other affected key industry bodies to learn more about the supply shortages affecting electronic components across not just our industry sectors, but also those of wider interest such as electrical and construction sectors. In our deliberations we have found that the shortage is not just components, but a combination of the fallout from Brexit, a global shortage of haulage drivers and recovery from the Covid pandemic.
Having surveyed our members on these issues, there is an overarching picture emerging of increased costs, delay in delivery and an overall tangible impact on their business.
Members reported that:
• Components continue to be in short supply with lead times of up to a year
• Allocations continue to restrict supply
• Some component manufacturers insist on non-cancellable orders with excessive lead time
• Sourcing parts outside of the usual distributor network resulting in some components costing 10 to 20 times the usual price
• Additional shipping delays are adding an extra 10 to 15 days and increasing
Since our initial statement to members in September this year, we have reached out to key government contacts and other influential bodies to seek assurance that supplies are prioritised for security, life safety and social care sectors.
Our requests to date through the office of the Minister for Security have revealed a less than satisfactory response, suggesting the issue is being passed to other departments in government. We continue to use our wide government reach to leverage a positive response to this developing situation, and we wish to reassure our members that we continue to explore all avenues to seek where possible to guarantee the component supply chain for critical safety and security systems.
Want to find out more or get involved? Join the BSIA Component supply chain special interest group. Contact us at [email protected]
Mike Reddington Ian Moore
Chief Executive Chief Executive
British Security Industry Association Fire Industry Association