BSIA to host manufacturing technology event in Coventry

Sunday 25 September 2022 -

The BSIA held a half day event for its members at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), an independent research & technology organisation based in Coventry on 30 November 2022.

It was attended by our security equipment manufacturer, access & asset protection and video surveillance members, who had the opportunity to find out more about modern/innovative manufacturing processes, value engineering and productivity improvement processes. There was also be a tour of the facility that showcased how the MTC bridges the gap between Industry & academia, its advanced manufacturing management and factory design, digital & additive manufacturing, automation and robotics, whilst demonstrating new technologies on an industrial scale.

The morning also featured brief updates on BSIA activities, a talk from the Neill Smith of the MTC on the centre and its services,  and brief updates themed around cybersecurity from keynote speakers from the Home Office and ID Cyber Solutions.

Thank you to our hosts and speakers and to Commend, our official sponsors of the event