A testament to expertise and training

Wednesday 23 October 2024 -

Recently, four males wearing balaclavas and carrying machetes attempted to carry out an armed robbery at one of BSIA members Vigilo Security Systems client's luxury retail boutiques in Knightsbridge. Its highly trained Vigilo security officers on duty were alert and observed the gang approach. The security team secured the boutique and denied the gang entry. The customers and staff were escorted to a designated safe area by our security officers and simultaneously, the police were contacted.

With retail crime up 30% and violent crime also on the rise it is essential for all security personnel to be vigilant at all times. 

 The continuous training of its security officers to deal with difficult and dangerous situations led to the successful outcome from this incident. This response was only made possible with the collaboration with our clients security team and staff. When the attack took place, both the security team and staff knew exactly what their roles were and how to ensure that all remained safe.

Vigilo have commended all of its security team for the extremely professional performance when carrying out their duties to secure the boutique and keeping everyone safe. Its senior team consists of former Senior Police Officers, Royal Marines and UK Special forces personnel who are specialists in all aspects of security services. Vigilo strive to ensure that all of our team members have the training and knowledge to perform to the highest standards.

If any other businesses feel vulnerable at this time and require any assistance, please contact us at Vigilo Security Solutions where they can offer advice and assistance on keeping everyone safe.