How does SaferCash work?
SaferCash has a strong working partnership with National Police Chief’s Council and UK Law Enforcement in tackling organised physical crime.
SaferCash has seconded Police analysts from Greater Manchester Police, Merseyside Police, West Midlands Police and Metropolitan Police. The SaferCash team collate and analyses industry and Police data for UK related CViT, ATM and banking crime.
SaferCash aims to identify cross-border high impact crime series.
SaferCash Higher Police analyst is the European UK SPOC for ATM offending and delivers presentations at European conferences.
SaferCash provides up to date information on a daily basis regarding physical CViT, Bank and ATM offences, highlighting linked series or high areas of risk.
Police and partners have access to a SaferCash secure Intelligence database which holds records of reported crime and suspicious activities.
SaferCash produces strategic national reports on crimes committed against SaferCash members, with intelligence updates to assist companies managing the safety of their staff and reducing risk to their estates.
SaferCash co-ordinates and hosts regional Police and partner intelligence meetings with tactical reports which take place every quarter around the UK.
This initiative supports collaborative work between Police and SaferCash partners with dedicated points of contact with all 43 UK Police Forces to assist with updates on crime investigations suffered by members and to assist in putting parties in direct contact.
Through SaferCash there is a 24/7 365 days support for reporting crime and suspicious incidents.
SaferCash produces bespoke intelligence products.
SaferCash produces effective practice guidance for the Police and SaferCash partners
SaferCash is hosted by the British Security Industry Association is a not for profit policing intelligence initiative and represents 88% of the affected companies from the CViT, ATM and financial institutions industry.
Our National Industry Liaison Officers record details of reported crime and suspicious incidents from partners. This information is recorded onto a secure intelligence database called Dymension which is available to UK Law Enforcement and SaferCash members. This information enables members and the Police to identify high risk CViT routes, pin point areas of crime, where there is a higher risk and increased offending rates.
Join SaferCash
If you are involved in the secure delivery of cash and would like to find out more get in touch.
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