Security Equipment Manufacturers criteria

Companies wishing to join the BSIA's Security Equipment Manufacturers Section must meet the following criteria in order to be admitted to the section:

A company engaged in the UK manufacture and/or UK assembly of intruder & hold-up alarm equipment and/or having UK design and development facilities or full customer services/warranty facilities within the UK. 

Note: Manufacturers who do not have a turnover within the European Community may only apply to become an associate.

Security Equipment Manufacturers Section ISO 9001 UKAS certification.

In accordance with clause 2.3 of the Model Section Rules of the Association, membership of the Security Equipment Manufacturers Section is conditional on the Operating Board being satisfied that the member has the relevant ISO 9001 certification.

Code of Ethics for BSIA Members

BSIA members shall adhere to the Standards of Ethics stated in the Articles and the Model Section Rules and the “Code of ethics for BSIA Members - Supplementary Annex for all sections” (Form 355).


Join the section

If you fit the criteria to join the section, fill in this short form and we will be in touch.

Enquire today
Standards Applicable   

In accordance with clause 2.7 of the Model Rules for Sections of the BSIA, members should ensure that all employees whose employment may involve them in the acquisition of, or access to, knowledge of a confidential nature, improper use of which could involve the member, any client of the member or a third party in a security risk shall be screened prior to employment with the object of ascertaining by examination of prospective employees' background that they are of good character. Such employees shall be security screened in accordance with the following standard BS 7858 – “Screening of individuals working in a secure environment – Code of practice”

Members shall comply with current legislation and manufacture products designed to recognised industry standards.

(Where a manufacturer claims compliance with published standards, such claims should be supported) 

The following standards are applicable to the Section:    

i) European standards for I&HAS components, e.g. EN 50131 suite of standards 

ii) British standards for I&HAS components, e.g. BS 4737 suite of standards