Security Officer Services criteria
Companies wishing to join the BSIA's Security Officer Services Section must meet the following criteria in order to be admitted to the section:
Security Guarding Supplier
A company that provides security officer services, including static and patrolling guards and response, mobile, keyholding, custodial and escorting services.
Security Officer Services Section ISO 9001 UKAS certification
In accordance with clause 2.3 of the Model Section Rules of the Association, membership of the Security Officer Services Section is conditional on the Operating Board being satisfied that the member has the relevant ISO 9001 UKAS certification.
Standards Applicable
Members should ensure that all employees are to be security screened to: BS 7858 – “Screening of individuals working in a secure environment – Code of practice”
Members must conform to the latest version of BS 10800: - "Provision of security services. Code of practice" and BS 7499: - “Provision of static guarding security services. Code of practice."
If engaged in the training of use of guard dogs, applicants must comply with the Dogs Act 1975 and must supply evidence: (a) of the provision of proper facilities, and the maintenance at all times of high and humane standards in relation to kenneling, feeding and exercise with regular qualified veterinary inspection; (b) that training is carried out exclusively by properly qualified personnel by methods which pay proper regard to the welfare of the dog and are related to the production of a healthy, humanely disciplined animal of good general temperament, trained, when working, to do so under the control of a suitably qualified handler.
Code of Ethics for BSIA Members
BSIA members shall adhere to the Standards of Ethics stated in the Articles and the Model Section Rules and the “Code of ethics for BSIA Members - Supplementary Annex for all sections” (Form 355).

Join the section
If you fit the criteria to join the Security Officer Services section, fill in this short form and we will be in touch.
Enquire today