Video Surveillance Systems

Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) have had a profound impact on crime prevention and detection, and is never out of the news for long. The UK leads the way in the application of VSS and its use is wide-ranging, encompassing facial-recognition technology, remote video monitoring, video smoke detection, mobile systems and Automatic Number Plate Recognition as well as many other functions.

In order to provide guidance and simplification in the complex area of VSS, the BSIA is very active in the European standards arena and also develops its own guides and codes of practice where currently standards do not exist. It is essential that satisfactory standards are in place to cover the installation, maintenance and operation of equipment. Rapid technological development renders this complex, with a need for standards work to be timely.

Significant improvements have been made in recent years in terms of image quality and the sector is moving towards digital and networked systems as technology progresses. The section encourages debate on new developments and concerns, such as digital video evidence and facilitating communication protocols between different manufacturers’ products. In doing so it seeks to ensure that all stakeholder interests are represented including: security companies, users, the Police, inspectorates and insurers. The section also works with Government on these issues.

VSS must be operated responsibly in order to respect citizens’ rights and maintain public confidence. Laws such as the Data Protection Act have an important role to play in achieving this. BSIA VSS section member companies drive best practice in this area and can provide advice on how VSS users can adhere to the relevant legislation.

Benjamin Linklater Chairman VSS
Chairman: Benjamin Linklater

Benjamin is Chairman of the BSIA’s Video Surveillance Systems Section and Sales Director at Optex.

Contact Benjamin

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