Coronavirus Updates
Government updates on Coronavirus
The government release regular updates on how how to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak, from the latest legislation, advice on employment rights and health & safety. These are sent out to members via our newsletter BSIA Connect and are shared on social media.
Free BEIS webinars on working safely during Coronavirus
What to do if you're furloughed
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – flexible furloughing
The Coronavirus Job Retention scheme has now been extended until the end of October with the introduction of new flexible furloughing from 1 July. A further update is expected on 12 June to provide the missing details.
Calculating claims
HMRC have published their own calculator.Find out how to calculate 80% of your employee’s wages, National Insurance contributions (NICs) and pension contributions if you've furloughed staff due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Back to Business: guidance for businesses re-opening
With signs that we’re now past the peak of Coronavirus cases in the UK, there are indications that the current lockdown will gradually be relaxed.
AXA has produced a series of 'Back to Business' guides to help businesses returning to work, and will keep adding to these as new sectors of the economy start to open again.
CSSC updates for the industry
The Cross-sector Safety and Security Communications (CSSC) initiative releases regular updates to the industry on subjects such as cyber threats, business advice, fraud alerts and general security updates relevant to the industry during Coronavirus and during regular times.
CSSC was founded in June 2011 by a team of senior security experts, with the aim of building a messaging platform, to facilitate communications between the private and public sectors, on issues surrounding security and business resilience.

SIA advice for retailers
If you employ people to manage a queue like this, they may need to hold an SIA licence. If they do, and they don’t have one, they will be breaking the law.

Security tips for closed business
Secured by Design, the Police Digital Security Centre and National Counter Terrorism Security Office offer tips for closed business premises.
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Advisory on cyber exploitation
An increasing number of malicious cyber actors are exploiting the current COVID-19 pandemic for their own objectives. Find out more on what to be aware of.

Full advice document
Vacant Property Protection can be difficult during this pandemic, which is why the Met Police have produced a multi-page guide.
Download nowCrime Prevention advice for empty commercial premises
The Coronavirus has necessitated businesses close across London leaving many empty buildings:
this will likely be the first time your building is going to be empty for an extended period of time.
There is a concern that your property could be at risk of being targeted: this could potentially come
in the form of an illegal occupation, the theft of stock or criminal damage.
Published on 18 March 2020
Although the magnitude of the economic shock from Covid-19 is highly uncertain, activity is likely to weaken materially in the United Kingdom over the coming months. Temporary, but significant, disruptions to supply chains and weaker activity could challenge cash flows and increase demand for working capital from companies.
The Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF, the Facility) will provide funding to businesses by purchasing commercial paper of up to one-year maturity, issued by firms making a material contribution to the UK economy. It will help businesses across a range of sectors to pay wages and suppliers, even while experiencing severe disruption to cashflows.
The facility will offer financing on terms comparable to those prevailing in markets in the period before the Covid-19 economic shock, and will be open to firms that can demonstrate they were in sound financial health prior to the shock. The facility will look through temporary impacts on firms’ balance sheets and cash flows by basing eligibility on firms’ credit ratings prior to the Covid-19 shock. Businesses do not need to have previously issued commercial paper in order to participate.
The scheme will operate for as long as steps are needed to relieve cash flow pressures on firms that make a material contribution to the UK economy. The Bank will implement the facility on behalf of HM Treasury.

Joint HM Treasury and Bank of England Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF) - Market Notice 18 March 2020
HM Treasury and the Bank are coordinating closely in order to ensure that our Covid-19 initiatives are complementary and that they will, collectively, have maximum impact, consistent with the Bank and HM Treasury’s independent responsibilities
Download the pdfBSIA - Business Continuity Plan (BCP): Coronavirus (COVID-19)
With the recent increase in the number of cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) reported, the BSIA has drawn up the following quick reaction plan/business continuity plan in line with the Association’s Business Continuity Requirements. This is in-line with the Association’s BCP and reflects the Good Practice Guidelines from the Business Continuity Institute.
Please note that in light of the UK Government's announcement regarding remote working BSIA staff have been instructed to cancel all face to face meetings and attendance at events and to work and conduct business remotely where possible.
This will come in to effect from Wednesday 18 March until further notice.
Stage 1
A great deal of the BSIA’s work is around standards development, public relations and membership recruitment and retention which involves a lot of face to face meetings. Staff have been advised that in the course of their work they consider re-evaluating how these meetings are conducted and if alternative methods can be used, such as audio and video conferencing, and to reduce their travel commitments. We also recommend avoiding direct contact (handshaking), whilst taking on board information provided by Public Health England and gov.uk on the correct hygiene procedures. This advice has been circulated to all staff who work in both our offices and remotely. We have also advised staff, where applicable, to reduce reliance on public transport and avoid meetings in public areas if viable.
At present, all our large-scale commitments in terms of attendance at major events later in the year are currently under review and we will keep our members up to date with this via our social media channels and e-bulletins as the situation evolves.
In terms of traveling outside of the UK, for business or leisure purposes, we have advised staff that unless absolutely necessary, these trips should be re-arranged. If these trips are not within a tier 1 listed country then the above guidance and government advice should be followed.
As an Association, we operate on a cloud-based ERP system and we have a robust digital communications system in place.
Stage 2
In the event of a full pandemic and a UK government announcement regarding a full lockdown, Association staff will be instructed to cancel all face to face meetings and attendance at events and to work and conduct business remotely. This will also include our intelligence-sharing initiative SaferCash and SaferGems.
The BSIA believes that given its IT cloud-based operating model and the plans in place that in the event of a full pandemic the Association could still operate on a ‘business as usual basis’ and the goal would be to be fully operational using this approach.
As the situation evolves, we will keep our members up to date with regular bulletins if a full pandemic is confirmed.
During a full pandemic, we will communicate what our BCP plan is via email to our members and post a notice on our website with a full list of email and mobile phone contact details for the BSIA team members.
Mike Reddington
Chief Executive
British Security Industry Association

Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
your condition gets worse
your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Use the 111 coronavirus service
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
Go there nowIndustry Guidance

Coronavirus: Your questions answered
Provided by BSIA Associate members Citation, this FAQ provides guidance for many Health & Safety and Human Resources departments.
Go to their page

COVID-19 Test Tool
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
your condition gets worse
your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Use the 111 coronavirus service
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
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Scottish Business Resilience Centre
Here at the Scottish Business Resilience Centre we want to do everything we can to help our members and partners stay safe.
As such, we will be regularly issuing an email update which groups together the latest advice for businesses relating to Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
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Government Advice

BEIS - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Go directly to the beis page for the latest information and guidance.
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Advice for those residing in Scotland after the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was in March 2020.
Follow the link for up-to-date figures on those affected by region.
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Northern Ireland
For those residing in Northern Ireland - what is the local advice you should follow? Click the link below
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Health and Wellbeing

Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing
The protection of health and the promotion of wellbeing are important factors in sustaining attendance at work and supporting job satisfaction.
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Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS)
This scheme has been set up by the Government to assist small and medium sized businesses affected by Coronavirus to apply for loans of up to £50,000.

Wills, IHT planning and what the current Intestacy rules could mean for those left behind
In these times of uncertainty, having an valid, well considered Will is more important than ever
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NHS information: coronavirus (COVID-19)
NHS information about how coronavirus is spread and how to avoid catching or spreading germs.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance
All current coronavirus guidance produced by HM Government for health professionals and non-clinical settings.
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Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance for British people traveling and living overseas following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).
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Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK
Find out the number of cases and risk level in the UK, what to do if you’re a returning traveller, and what the government is doing about the virus.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) action plan
What the health and social care system across the UK has done to tackle the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and what it plans to do next.
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