Asset & Property Marking Guidance

BSIA Asset and Property Marking section members have the common goal of deterring theft and other crimes by rendering stolen goods useless through covert or overt security marking. Security marking enables police to catch and convict criminals, thus creating a powerful deterrent. 

The BSIA Asset and Property Marking Section focuses on raising the profile of this sector of the industry to maximise usage, as well as generally increasing awareness of the existence of marking systems and how they work.


Metal Theft - A Guide to Securing Your Business

The BSIA Access and Asset Protection Section has recognised the growing range and complexity of Access Control systems and the need for professional specification, installation and use. This guide will help the user improve their knowledge of access control.

A Guide to Protecting Your Bicycle

Did you know that the number of bicycle thefts in England and Wales was 77,148 in 2022/23 compared with 77,479 in the previous reporting year? Protecting your bicycle using one of our member's solutions will ensure peace of mind

The Benefits of DNA Intruder Spray Alarms - A Guide for Jewellers and Pawnbrokers

This guide highlights the importance of taking appropriate measures to protect sellers of jewellery, watches and antiques from such crimes, and showcases some of the forensic tagging that BSIA members produce to deter such crimes.